Finding the question is often more important than finding the answer...
"Exploratory data analysis is an attitude,
a flexibility, and a reliance on display,
NOT a bundle of techniques,
and should be so taught.
Confirmatory data analysis, by contrast, is easier to teach and easier to computerize.
We need to teach both... "
- J.W. Tukey
In five years of research with a team of professors from Olin College, Wake Forest University, and others, I gained significant experience building tools for gaining insight and analysis from longitudinally sampled quantitative and qualitative data.
Below are selected examples of visualizations developed to support both exploratory and confirmatory/explanatory research activities.
Selected Prior Work
  • Produced to support NSF-sponsored research grants examining motivation in engineering students
  • Rich and complex dataset of longitudinally sampled qualitative and quantitative data synthesizing concepts
  • Quantitative analyses included significance tests, clustering, and natural language processing
  • Published three peer-reviewed research papers as first author and made significant contributions to grant writing and reporting
Confirmatory Visualizations
Showing test results or objective dataset characteristics & used in published research papers
Exploratory Visualizations
Custom tools used to characterize research datasets, uncover relationships, and refine conclusions
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