Alexander Dillon

Novel Approaches
Real-World Challenges
3D Interactive Network Models
Built With
R StatisticsC SharpUnity
Challenge: How to identify prevalent patterns or net-effect outcomes in highly interconnected datasets?
Force-directed, 3D spaces can improve a user's ability to discern clusters in the emergent network - initial work led to published research insight
See updated online version at
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
Boston Property Explorer
Built With
R StatisticsPythonJavaScriptD3.jsCesium.js
Translated open data about ownership to a detailed interactive online 3D map
Users could share findings via social media to build momentum
1st place Boston Open Data Challenge
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
Reddit Front Page Timeline
Built With
R and friends
Challenge: how to store and analyze dynamics of "the front page of the internet"
Polled Reddit json data over time to build view showing posts' rise and fall over time
Used d3.js to build in-browser version capable of live updates
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
Analyzing "Gun"s in the News
Built With
R and friends
Challenge: How are guns discussed by our news outlets, and what has changed over time?
Scraped the GDELT TV API for on-air mentions of the word "gun" on news channels
Mined the surrounding words to characterize their topic, sentiment, style, and trends with show and network
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
Congressional Voting Records
Built With
R and friends
Challenge: Can Congressional voting data be used to identify blocs and their policy positions?
Scraped House and Senate votes dating back to 1992
Applied text analysis to bill content and built cluster models of constituency types
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
Base Project Class
Built With
R and friends
Another Question: Can Congressional voting data be used to identify constituencies and their policy positions?
Scraped House and Senate votes dating back to 1992
Applied text analysis to bill content and built cluster models of constituency types
Is analysis really relevant here?
Tech Used: R, C#, Unity
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